Uninhabited Moon

Do you have an idea or a script for a film that you would like to propose to Planet Korda Pictures? Or might you wish to propose your services?

As you may have read, we are a small company, so we don’t hire people every day, nor do we develop and produce projects on an industrial scale. Still, we are keen to develop our little solar system, populate our moons, and are thus always open to proposals. So after having a look at what we do, and reading our company profile, you think there could be a fit for your project, you may send it to us at control@planetkorda.com

For film projects, it would be handy to describe the project first, in your email, and send a synopsis, before sending full scripts. For offers of services, please label clearly in the subject line what services you are proposing (i.e. what you do); that makes it easier for us to retrieve it later.

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